• Free online presence. Your ad will be in our Interactive Edition at www.CNYwinter.com. That means your ad will be online and viewers will be able to click on it and visit your site in seconds. Don’t have a website? Include your e-mail and it will be easy for viewers to send you a message.
• Long shelf life. You advertise only once for the entire season.
• Two seasons for the price of one. The CNY Winter Guide is distributed in the fall (before Thanksgiving) through the end of winter. This will guarantee more readership and exposure for your ad.
• Low rates. You’ll continue paying the lowest-cost-per-copy rate of any comparable publication. You could advertise for as little as $122. A full page ad is $699 only (a cost that is a fraction of a penny per copy).
• Calendar of events for CNY from December through March
• Helpful information about health, entertainment, and more.